I Got the Lead!….

I’m very excited today!  I just found out that I was offered the lead in an independent short film.  The production company is www.waterfootfilms.com .   The story is about a young preacher who becomes blind after having a vision from God.  I believe it will be the most challenging role I have played yet.  The character I’ll…

Not so good audition…

This, fortunately, does not happen often, but today I had a “blah” audition.  The bad news is this was for a George Clooney movie.  The good news is that the casting director said everyone was giving just “OK” performances… nothing great… maybe it was the script, who knows.  But there’s bound to be someone who…

Scarface Party

So last Saturday, I did something a bit different.  I was hired for a private party to be a Scarface look-alike.  It was very fun…. the party had a Scarface theme, so everyone dressed the part.  The birthday boy was “Scarface” and me and Ruben (guy in picture with me) were his bodyguards.  It was…


Today I found out I didn’t get a recurring sitcom role on the UPN network show titled “House of Payne”.  It would be a lie to say I’m not disappointed.  I am. I had auditioned for the role of the neighbor, who was the new Latino neighbor who moved next door to the Payne’s.  I…

NOU Perfume

I just filmed my first perfume commercial!… and it was a blast.  Supposedly, this perfume drives men crazy, so my instruction was to be cool but very into ‘my woman’… very ‘I can’t wait to get my hands on her’.  My ‘woman’ in this commercial was the talented and gorgeous Marlyn Sanchez, who did a wonderful…

Nintendo DS

Acting is so hard.  I think this picture says it all.  It’s just like any other job, where you rise and get dressed in the morning, show up to the office, mingle with your peers and work. It’s a tough life!…. WHATEVER!!!! Man, do I love my work…. I mean really… and you probably know…

Let’s Go ‘Walmart’ing…

Welcome to the glamorous life of an actor waiting to go on set!  Yup, that’s right… lots of waiting around.  The good shoots, like this one, have comfortable trailers with AC, which in the South Florida heat should be an absolute must.  And believe me, I’ve been on many a shoots where the talent (aka,…

It’s Achmed Ferragut!

All-right, maybe not!  It’s me playing the Arab prince for a Dubai condo development.  They dressed me up from head to toe as an Arab, and I gotta say, I definitely looked the part!  Well, the Arabs did rule Spain for 800 years, and I do have Spanish ancestry, so it makes sense I look…

Burn Notice

Cool dudes.  Cool chicks.  Cool stunts.  Hot city.  It’s gotta be Burn Notice!  The intriguing show airs on the USA Network.  If you haven’t seen, check it out… people really enjoy this show… it’s one of those shows that gets you hooked right away.  Check it out and tell them Jorge sent you… and then…

This isn’t me… Or is it?

So I’m at home with my wife, working on something when I here my wife scream “Oh my gosh, that’s you… you’re at the Country Music Awards on TV”! “Are you high on Cuban coffee?” I ask her… Then I see the TV, and I see country singer Brad Paisley, pictured here.  My jaw dropped.…

KFC Commercial

That’s me atop the scaffolding!  Yesterday, I played the “Architect” in a KFC commercial for Latin America.  The idea for the commercial was pretty cool… I supposedly build a small lift so that I can bring ‘heavy’ KFC chicken sandwich to the top.  As I do that, a crowd gathers beneath me and notices the…


Today’s blog is dedicated to everyone that is not an Actor!  Take a sneak peak at what a casting looks like above… that’s it!… usually the room has a solid colored background with  camera in front of you and a microphone somewhere off to the side.  The casting director will be positioned behind the camera…

Simply Delicioso on Food Network

What a great day… I got paid to go and eat with Ingrid Hoffman from the Food Network’s “Simply Delicioso” show.  She made a Brazilian feast, and I gotta say, it was goooood stuff.  These are the gigs actors love…. good company, great food and a paycheck!

Burger King Training Video

For 4 days I was a robber.  My job was to stake out Burger King, study their security features, assess any vulnerabilities… and then bam!…. rob it!  It was an incredibly fun shoot… the production company was awesome and the other actors were great.  Perhaps the nicest thing was the security team for BK thanking…

Sony “Foam City” Commercial

I’m in the above photo somewhere… look closely…. yeah, that’s me, no, the one above, to the right… one more, OK, that’s me! OK, I don’t know which one I am either… I just know I was in this foam for a while.  It was pretty fun, actually.  They pumped millions of gallons of foam…