In my previous blog about the Samsung displays in Best Buy, I asked my friends and family to send me a picture of themselves posing with my display if they saw me.
I’m excited that I got my first picture! Above is my close friend…. actually, I call her my Mexican Aunt, Yole Cruz. She spotted my display at the Best Buy in Sugarland, Texas. Good eye, Yole! It’s not the biggest display, but she found it!
This is totally an ego thing… but I just think it’s cool that my friends can see me at a store. Hopefully, the day will come that I say “oh geez, is that my picture again?” I can only imagine that would get old quickly… but here’s to growing old! 😉
So… have your camera phones ready… and if you go to a Best Buy and see the display… take a picture of yourself and send it to me! =)
If you would like to see more pictures of the shoot day and the display, click here.
Thanks for dropping in!