Libre Magazine

With all the recent publicity I’ve been receiving because of my role in Furious 7, it’s interesting where my picture shows up.  I’ve found my picture on a few sites that haven’t interviewed me, yet, there appears an interview!  A friend found my picture in this magazine and sent it to me.  Ha!  I don’t…

Radio Mambí Interview

I was on the famous Radio Mambí morning talk show today hosted by Bernadette Pardo.  Radio Mambí is the most popular AM station in Miami, listened to by legions of loyal Spanish-speaking fans.  Bernadette Pardo, or ‘Bernie’ has been a host for years.  We chatted about my roles on film and TV and commercials and working…

WRMI Radio Interview

Today I was interviewed by Daniel Pedreira, host of a WRMI radio talk show for Cuban-Americans and Cubans still living on the island of Cuba. We chatted about my role on Furious 7 and my scene with Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez, as well as the ‘Hollywood Hustle’.  It was great to be invited to his…

Primetime Interview with Pedro Sevcec

Well, this was cool!  I’ve known of Pedro Sevcec since I was a little boy.  He’s been a leading personality/host in Spanish TV for years and years.  He invited me for a multi-segment interview on his #1 primetime rated show “A Fondo” on AmericaTeve.  “A Fondo” (In-Depth) is a nationally syndicated Spanish news talk show…

Press Coverage: FIU News

My former alma mater, Florida International University (FIU), interviewed me for my role in Furious 7.  I loved studying at FIU and cherish my time there… it really is an excellent university.  It acquired it’s “Research I” status within 25 years, which is extremely fast.  So I was thrilled when I discovered they would interview…

Press Coverage: La Información Newspaper, Houston

This interview was with “La Información”, a Houston based Spanish language newspaper.  See the original article in PDF format here. Nativo de Houston Hace su Debut en la Pantalla Grande con ‘Furious 7’ Jorge Ferragut está haciendo el sueño de ser actor, realidad. Nacido en La Habana, el actor está a días de su debut en…

Connect Cuba

During my press tour for Furious 7, I received lots of publicity via TV, magazine and newspaper interviews.  As a result of that, a nonprofit organization called “Connect Cuba” contacted me to see if I would be interested in lending my voice to their cause.  I was happy to do so.  Connect Cuba promotes a nonviolent…

Fast and Furious 7 – April 3

The time is almost here for Fast and Furious 7! And Jorge Ferragut (that’s me, in the third person!) will make his silver screen debut across Vin Diesel and another of the films star (can’t say too much just yet!). It’s such an exciting time for me. Not only is it awesome to be working, but it’s…

The Omnipresent Thumbnail

One Cool Thumbnail… So the day after my episode of Boardwalk Empire aired, some of my friends started posting links on my Facebook page to news articles about the season premiere. When I clicked on the links, I was surprised to see myself on the official image Boardwalk Empire was using on all their marketing…

Boardwalk Empire

Here’s the scene: Cuba, 1930’s.  Nucky is meeting the head of Bacardi Rum in hopes of securing exclusive distribution for the United States.  Nucky knows Prohibition will soon end and is positioning himself for the spoils.  But of course, deals must be negotiated… so he goes to Cuba and that’s where I fit into the…

Vision Fest Film Festival

The Sound premieres! The sound premiered at Vision Fest Film Festival last night… what an experience.  There was even a red carpet!… yes, it was small, but it was there. And even better news… it won for best editing! It’s really exciting to attend a film festival.  You get to enjoy all the short films,…

Film Festival @ Tribeca Cinemas

The Sound has been accepted into several film festivals! I’m very happy to announce that the short film I was a part of last year has been accepted into several film festivals.  The festivals are (so far): Visionfest Film Festival New Jersey International Film Festival Female Eye Film Festival It’s rewarding to learn three film…