I booked Boardwalk Empire!

Today was another big day for my career! It all started when my agent called me and said “you got an audition for Boardwalk Empire”. My agent didn’t seem excited about it, because he’s the cool type… he only gets excited when the role is booked.  But me… I was all in a tizzy just…

I booked Fast & Furious 7!

This is BIG news!!!  I’m so excited I can barely type! I booked a role on Fast & Furious 7!  Yeeeehaaaawwww! I can’t reveal too much just yet, but I can say that my scene is with Vin Diesel and another of the film’s stars!  Both Vin and ‘the other star’ were super cool and the scene…

Walmart Commercial!

I’m always excited to book a commercial… but this one was really cool just because it’s Walmart… the biggest retailer in the world.  And just as cool… they auditioned actors in New York and Los Angeles for this spot… so I was competing with a rather large field. The commercial was filmed in Los Angeles……

Skechers Commercial

So it’s Saturday and I’m attending a class with a Casting Director.  It’s 10AM, and I’m worried because I have an audition for Sketchers at 11AM across town… and least 25 minutes away.  The class ends at 1PM… so if I stay the entire class, I won’t be able to audition. I quickly get into…

The Sound

I was truly honored to be asked to play the role of “Sean” in a professionally produced short film called “The Sound”, directed by Sacha Iskra.  There are high hopes riding on this film because of the quality of the team put in place.  The producers of this short hired an excellent cinematographer (Andrew Trost)…

Commercial with Brooke Shields

I booked a commercial for Foster Grant eyewear starring Brooke Shields!  Brooke happens to be the spokesperson for Foster  Grant… so the commercial features Brooke and three friends dining at a restaurant.  I’m the “cool” friend… at least that’s what my character description read.  😉 Brooke was cool and down to earth… not a diva…

Florida Lottery

How cool is this?!  So I’m on vacation in Florida and reach out to my agent who represented me when I use to live there.  I tell her I’m in town so she can send me out on auditions… and immediately I have 3 auditions!  And of those 3, I’m asked to work on a…

72 Hour Film Contest – NYC

I’ll be participating this weekend in the Asian Film Lab sponsored “72 Hour Film Festival” and I’m really excited about it! If you would like to donate $5, $10 or $25 before Thursday, click here for a quick donation to our project! These contests are fun, but brutal.  Everything must be done in a 72…

Project Success – Industrial, Round 2!

In my last blog, I wrote about the “Project Success” industrial and how they had called me months after auditioning to be part of the project.  Well, last week, they called again and asked me to play another part in a different level of their English language training courses. They told me they enjoyed working…

I’ve Been Spotted

I gotta be honest… it’s a cool feeling when friends post messages on my Facebook page when they see one of my commercials or TV appearances or a billboard.  And besides making me smile, there’s also a practical point to it… it lets me know when an ad or show is running… which is important,  because…

Project Success – Industrial

This project was one of those ‘surprise bookings’.  It’s a surprise because I auditioned for this project in December of 2012, about 3.5 months ago.  So when they said we would like to hire you for “Project Success”, I was like “Great!  Who are you and what is this project?”. “Project Success” is an English…

Trouble Women – Episode

I was really excited to be chosen to play the role of Leonardo for a web series titled “Trouble Women” produced by Abacab.TV and directed by Elspeth Brown of NYLAHD.  I starred alongside the beautiful Carolina Santos-Read. This was such a fun shoot… Elspeth is a great director and really has a way of managing…

I Got a Black Eye in Today’s Callback

So this doesn’t happen often.  I got busted in the eye by the woman who was auditioning as my wife in a callback for a restaurant commercial. Initially, she thought it was funny.  I wasn’t too amused.  Not because I’m an uptight kinda guy, because I’m not… but because her actions were so careless and…